Good Afternoon Parents!
Dear Students and Parents,
On October 10th, BHS will be running a half-day school schedule. On the morning of the 10th, we will be administering the PSAT to all sophomores and any student who wishes to take the exam. The exam is free of charge to all sophomores, however, for all other students wishing to test, the cost of the exam is $25.00. Parents of sophomore students wishing to have their son or daughter opt out of the exam should email me at hagenw@sau25.net.
The PSAT is an excellent prep test for the SAT which is administered as the New Hampshire State assessment. Additionally, juniors who take the PSAT and earn a qualifying score may be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship program.
Students who are not testing may report to school by 11:00 am and are expected to attend their S3 and S4 classes. Lunch will be served for all students. The details for the day may be found below.
Test Taker Information
- All test takers will report to school at regular time and will need to be in test rooms by 7:50 ready to test.
- All test takers will be in classrooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Sophomores will report to assignments on the third floor and all other test takers will report to assignments on the second floor.
- Oct 10 will be a half day of school for non-test takers, with testing occurring in the first half of the day and S3 and S4 classes for all students the second half. We will be running two bus pick-up runs on the test day.
- First run - students arrive at regular time (around 7:40)
- Second run - students may begin to arrive by 11:00. Advisory for all grades begins at 11:15 a.m.
- Testing starts promptly at 7:55
Non-test Taker Information
- For all other students attending only the second half of the day, school starts at 11:15 a.m. Students will report to advisory and then attend 3rd block.
- Students will follow their regular block S3 and S4 schedule.
- Students will attend their regularly scheduled lunch period.
- All 9th,10th, and 11th grade students are expected to attend S3 & S4 classes.
- Seniors have an option to attend BHS or to use this day to take part in future planning (ex. college visits, informational interview, etc). Parents will need to call to excuse seniors for this purpose.
Competency Instruction Time Information
- Teachers will email any non-test taking student (and their parent) who may be having difficulty with course material to invite them to competency instruction during the morning session of the test day. Morning competency instruction for invited students is highly encouraged but not mandatory. The library will be open for any student who wishes to arrive early to use school resources or to study.
- We will be organizing the first floor by departments to support students who are here for competency instruction. Invited students may move between these areas should assistance be needed in more than one subject.
Community Senate
The Community Senate is in need of two community members/parents to serve for a two year term. If interested, please complete the application.
Through Donations and Fundraisers the PTG helps fund…
For our Students…Author Visits, Motivational Speakers, Science Programs, Musical Performers and much more
For our Community…Principal Winter Reading Night, Seniors Day, New Family Welcome and many other community focused events.
For our Staff…Staff Appreciation, Library Donations, Nurse Donations and more.
Click HERE for more program information.
We couldn’t do it without your continued support. Please consider a donation to the PTG either via PayPal on our website www.bedfordptg.org or a send a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-8). Thank You!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Bedford PTG is excited to introduce a new, faster, paperless way to share your information for volunteering at BHS. Instead of sending home a paper volunteer form to fill out and return, we will now offer a Volunteer Google Form. To access the form click HERE, or check school websites, or the PTG website www.bedfordptg.org under helpful links/forms.
From National Honor Society:
The 2018 - 2019 Selection Process for our chapter is under way. Eligible Juniors and Seniors have received an email with instructions and another with a selection process invitation. There will be a parent information night on Monday, September 17th @ 6:30 pm and NHS members will be running candidate help desks on Thursday, September 27th at both 7:15am and 2:45 pm in room 306/308. Attending these meetings is not a requirement of the selection process.
Lost and Found:
Parents, Students, and Staff, If you have lost something be sure to check the lost and found!
- If you have lost clothing, coats, bags, books, etc. please look in the bins located by the concession stand in the Gym hall.
- If you have lost smaller items such as a wallet, keys, calculator or phone stop in the main office and we will assist you.
Important Dates and Events:
9/20 - College Information Night - 6:00 pm
9/25 - Senior Graduation meeting - Advisory A
9/25 - IB Diploma Junior Orientation - 6:00pm
10/8 -No School -Columbus Day Observance
10/10 - PSAT’s
10/24 - NHHEAF Financial Aid Night - 6pm Theater
From the Counseling Department:
College visits have started here at BHS! We have 150 schools visiting us this fall! Juniors and Seniors should go into Naviance to see who is coming and to sign up!
College Information Night-September 20th at 6 pm.
The Counselors will be presenting information for seniors and their parents. Although this information will be geared towards the class of 2019, anyone interested is welcome to attend.
Seniors should be scheduling their senior meetings to review their future plans with their counselor!!
Level change period ends- Friday September 28th.
Students have until Friday, September 28th to request a level change without the change reflected on their transcript. After September 28th students can still request a level change until Tuesday, November 20th. This change will be reflected on the student’s transcript and current class grade will carry over to the new course. There will be no level changes after Thanksgiving break. We want students and teachers to be set on their path for the year by this point. Parents/guardians must complete the necessary paperwork before a student may change levels. Paperwork is available in the counseling office.
Potential PSAT/SAT Scam
A parent recently received a phone call from someone who said they were from the SAT College board and that her son had filled out something at school requesting study materials. It consisted of a set of CD’s that had practice exams and study guides with access to tutors. He also had her son’s full name and address and said they would be sending the CD’s, but they needed a deposit that would be refunded when we returned the CD’s. The parent indicated it all sounded very legit. The parent then asked the caller to hold on while she verified with her son and the caller hung up. We have contacted Collegeboard and verified that they do not make sales calls.
From the Library![]()
- All library resources from the 2017-2018 school year must be returned before new materials can be borrowed from the library.
- Stay up-to-date with everything for the BHS Yearbook HERE Lowest price of the year is NOW, only $55!
- Senior portraits must be taken by Hockmeyer. Seniors have 3 choices:
- Use the first day of school photo
- Set up a sitting with Hockmeyer 978.388.9832 (appointments available for Labor Day evening!)
- Opt to have no photo
- Mark your calendars for the Bedford Handmade Fair. November 4th, 10-3 in the BHS Gym and Commons
From the Nursing Department:
Please send in the Allergy Action Plan and/or Asthma Plan with medications, if your child has life threatening allergies or asthma. All forms can be found on the website on the nurses information link.
Please remember that students should not be carrying any medication with the exception of asthma inhalers, Epipens and diabetes supplies. All other medications, including over the counter, should be administered by the nurses in the nurse’s office. Again, all forms can be found on the website.
IB Coordinator:
Classroom visits to discuss IB Exam registration start this week. Look for an email from bhsib@bedfordnhk12.net about Exam Registration eligibility and procedures.
The link for registering for May 2019 IB Exams: bit.ly/BHSIBExamReg2019
Important upcoming IB Diploma Programme events and dates in September:
- September 20: Exam registration portal opens (closes October 20)
- September 25: IB Diploma Junior Orientation — 6:00pm — BHS Theater
- September 30: Extended Essay (senior Diploma candidates) final drafts due
This year the entire teaching staff at BHS has collaborated to create an IB Assessment Calendar. This document contains all of the due dates for Internal and External IB Assessments for all IB classes. Please review it and take note of the dates that apply to you. These dates have also been added to the IB Diploma Calendar. Feel free to email me with any questions.
See the IB at BHS Website for anything and everything IB-related at BHS.
From the Deans:
From Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society
The selection process for membership to Mu Alpha Theta is underway. Eligible junior and senior candidates were notified via their school email this week. The email outlines the process that each candidate must complete prior to the deadline of 2:30pm on October 5, 2018. Any questions should be directed to the Faculty Advisor at taylort@sau25.net.
Fine & Performing Arts College Day - October 2nd, silver day.
2nd & 3rd block college presentations. Block 4 portfolio reviews. Sign up with one of the art or music teachers.
Food and Nutrition Department:
The Breakfast Program will be offering taste testings next week Wednesday & Thursday. New recipes will be featuring pumpkin doughnut muffins and smoothies! Come try a taste and give us your feedback! Remember - No food in the tummy = no energy in the brain. Be on the lookout for the local farm produce such as apples, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers!
Global Coordinator:
Opportunity - Taiwanese Exchange Spring 2019
All BHS students are invited to participate in the cultural exchange to Taiwan. There is no language requirement. BHS students will stay with a family during Intersession and April vacation of 2019 and the Taiwanese will be hosted in May of 2019 in Bedford. For families that would only like to host, we will need additional host homes as well.
Sign ups start now. If you are interested in participating in the reciprocal exchange or only hosting a Taiwanese student in the spring, please email the Global Coordinator, Laura Chenette at chenettel@sau25.net with your student’s name to confirm your spot. For more information please see our Taiwanese Exchange website.
French Exchange October 2018
26 students from Mazamet, France will stay with host families in Bedford from October 13-24. These students will participate in a variety of activities in the community, with the school and with their host families. If you are interested in participating in the exchange in future years please see our French Exchange website.
Student Activities:
SENIOR GRADUATION MEETING. September 25th, Advisory A-
Information will be given out about caps and gowns, and diplomas.
Club Fair- Advisory A, September 28th. Encourage your student to come check out some of our co-curricular activities.
The BHS FIRST Robotics Competition team 509, Red Storm, will be having their first meeting on Wednesday, September, 26 from 3:00-5:00 pm. We will be meeting in room C128 by the cafeteria. If you are passionate about robotics, mechanical creations, programming, coding, community outreach, fundraising or are excited about the possibility of joining our fast paced team you should plan on attending.
PROM COMMITTEE- Juniors and Seniors, if you are interested in helping to plan your prom, attend the meeting September 24th, Mrs. Noe’s office, Advisory A.
In Sports:
Bedford Bulldogs Athletic Booster Club (BBABC) is looking for your support! Ways to get involved:
- Become a member, JOIN HERE
- Volunteer to help out in concessions SIGN UP HERE
BOYS Ice Hockey is having an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 3rd @ 2:45 in Room 119. Everyone interested in participating this Winter should attend!
Alternative Programming:
MST: Classes begin September 5th. The bus leaves at 7:30am.
Adult High School Diploma Program: Course registration is open! Link to register:
RWL: We are in the process of updating our site. Students should keep track of and document their hours but hold off on entering them until the end of the 1st quarter.
From the SAU:
From the PTG:
MEET THE PRINCIPALS EVENT SEPTEMBER 27TH: You are invited to join the PTG and the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Coffee with the Principals" event on Thursday, September 27th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road). This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. There will be a Q & A following the presentation. Light refreshments will be served and your young children are welcome to attend.
COFFEE AND CONVERSATION with Interim Superintendent Mike Fournier: Hosted by the PTG, Interim Superintendent Mike Fournier invites you to “Coffee and Conversation”, Thursday, October 11th, 9:30am at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road)…LIMITED SEATING-RSVP REQUIRED.
This will be a small, informal gathering to discuss Bedford School District happenings.
In order to be more interactive and personal, seating is limited so you must RSVP here… Coffee And Conversation if you wish to attend.
This will be a discussion based gathering, so questions and comments will be encouraged.
Additional get-togethers with Mr. Fournier will take place throughout the school year if you are unable to attend or seats are no longer available.
ONLINE VOLUNTEER FORM: Bedford PTG is excited to introduce a new, faster, paperless way to share your information for volunteering for Bedford Schools. Instead of sending home a paper volunteer form to fill out and return, we will now offer a Volunteer Google Form for each school. To access the form click HERE, or check school websites, or the PTG website www.bedfordptg.org under helpful links/forms.
Through Donations and Fundraisers the PTG helps fund…
For our Students…Author Visits, Motivational Speakers, Science Programs, Musical Performers and much more
For our Community…Principal Winter Reading Night, Seniors Day, New Family Welcome and many other community focused events.
For our Staff…Staff Appreciation, Library Donations, Nurse Donations and more.
Click HERE for more program information.
We couldn’t do it without your continued support. Please consider a donation to the PTG either via PayPal on our website www.bedfordptg.org or a send a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-8). Thank You!
MEADOW FARMS GIFTS, WRAP AND MORE: Looking for quality gift wrap, everyday gifts, tote bags, and gourmet mixes? Our popular Gifts, Wrap & More fundraiser is just around the corner. Brochures will be coming home with elementary students next week with ordering details. Families, students, and staff at McKelvie, RAL and BHS will be able to order online. 40% of sales goes back to our schools. Sale runs from Friday 9/28-Friday 10/12. More details coming soon.
NEW FAMILY WELCOME- If you recently moved to Bedford or are sending your first child to a Bedford School, you’re welcome to attend Bedford School District’s New Family Welcome hosted by the Bedford PTG on October 4th, from 9:30-10:30am or 6:30-7:30pm, at the Bedford Public Library.
Representatives from each school will be available to answer questions, provide school and town information, share opportunities on how you can be involved, and welcome you into our community.
Please RSVP to psvdm617@gmail.com and specify if you will attend the morning or evening session.
Our first monthly Speaker Series Event of the school year is on Monday, September 24th! DON’T MISS IT!
Find out about the most recent facts & research about VAPING
Bedford Police Chief John Bryfonski
Officer “Spike” Donahue, SRO at BHS and Lurgio Middle School
Officer Danielle Nightingale, SRO at McKelvie Intermediate School
Dr. Joseph Hou, Pulmonologist at Dartmouth Hitchcock/Catholic Medical Center
******Stay tuned for upcoming events in October during RED RIBBON WEEK, 10/23-10/31! ******
BEF News
BEF Parking Spot Auction!
The BEF has two prime parking spots just outside the theatre at the high school. We are opening up an online auction for one of the parking spots. The auction will be live until 6 PM on October 20th.
We will auction off our second parking spot at our upcoming Annual Fall Fundraiser. We hope many of you will come to our event!
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 7 PM @ Noah's Event Center in Bedford, featuring the RAL Jazz Band and Mr. Michael Fournier as our Master of Ceremonies!
Tickets are limited and sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Find more information about the Bedford Education Foundation on our website, or follow us on Facebook. If you have questions or would like to get involved, please email info@befnh.org.
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